Budgeting and Forecasting

Business Trends 2024: Accommodating Constant Change
We have a tradition at The CEO’s Right Hand. Each year, we gather CFOs from various industries and pick their brains about the business trends they see and how they might impact our clients. We look at these trends through an economic lens and develop...
Business Trends 2023: Financial Planning for a Dynamic Market
Fall is upon us, and, for many companies, it is planning season. So, we like to take this opportunity each year to ask our CFOs about the trends they are seeing and how they recommend business leaders prepare for the coming year. We can always count on a spirited...
What Is Financial Modeling?
One of the most critical responsibilities of your executive team is to stay abreast of your current and anticipated business performance so you can make informed decisions. Financial modeling is one way to make that possible. Financial modeling involves using data to...
Financial Planning 2022: Business Trends That Could Affect Your Strategy
With the end of the year right around the corner, most of our clients are busy planning. So, I scheduled a meeting with our CFOs to do a brainstorming session titled “Business Trends 2022.” I wanted insight into what they have seen across various industries and how...