Media Appearances

How to Find a Strategic Advisor – Media Appearance
William Lieberman, Founder and CEO of The CEO’s Right Hand, Inc., sat down with FiOS1 Long Island, Money’s Main$Street, Christa Lauri, to discuss How Small Business Owners Can Find a Strategic Advisor to grow their company. Advisors bring an independent...
Why Every Business Needs a Strategic CFO – Media Appearance
Founder and CEO William Lieberman participated in a CEO sitdown with FiOS1 Long Island, Money’s Main$Street, Christa Lauri, to discuss Why Every Business Needs a Strategic CFO. Owners can begin by recognizing what a CFO vs a bookkeeper role really is and the impact of...
How Do You Know if Your Finances Are in Good Order – Media Appearance
Founder and CEO of The CEO’s Right Hand, Inc., William Lieberman, sat down with FiOS1 Long Island, Money’s Main$Street, Christa Lauri, to discuss How Small Business Owners Know if Their Finances Are in Good Order. A good starting point is tracking cash....
FiOS1 Long Island Money & Main$treet Part II
July 2017 In Part II of William Lieberman’s interview with Christa Lauri, host of FiOS1 LI Money & Main$treet, he discusses using debt to fund your business from secured and unsecured debt to alternative sources like customer or vendor financing. They break...