Bookkeeping Is Just The Beginning
Having a handle on your books is a vital part of understanding the critical components of your business from a historical perspective. What were your revenues last month, last quarter, last year? What did you pay in rent, payroll, general and administrative expenses,...
Growing Sales on a Budget
One of the hardest things for a small / emerging company to do is grow sales while servicing clients (or delivering your products) while keeping control on operations, human resources, finance, and what little time you might have for a personal life and family. When I...
Raise Capital or Build The Business: What’s An Entrepreneur To Do?
As a consultant, I am often asked by founder-CEO’s to advise them on raising capital so that they can fuel the growth of their early-stage company. It would be great if I could tell them that I, or other advisors / banker, had the silver bullet that would magically...
Tricks of the Trade: What Makes a Good Financial Model
Business school taught me the importance of how to read financial statements and analyze the fiscal health of a company. We spent hours poring over publicly-available financial reports (the infamous 10-K, 10-Q, and annual reports). Our professors even quizzed us to...
Cash Is King
Cash is king. This cliché sounds trite, but after living through the “Dot-Bomb”, 9/11, and the Great Recession, it’s the single most important rule of the game for small, growing companies. I used to dread getting bad news from my sales team that a client was...
LEAD: 4 Ways to Improve Your Game With Your Clients
I have been consulting with a variety of clients over the years. From the first phase of conceiving an idea through seed round financings and scaling organizations, domestically and internationally, I have worked directly with all types of entrepreneurs. There are...