What Investors Really Want
Business valuation is a complex process, but that doesn’t mean you can’t influence the outcome. Quite the opposite, in fact. There are actions you can take today to increase your future valuation, whether you’re looking for a strategic investor or a sale.
From the team at TCRH comes this behind-the-scenes guide to valuation. We’ve sat on both sides of the table, as entrepreneurs and as investors. Within this free guide, we provide:
- The key questions investors ask when evaluating a company.
- Insight into the process we ourselves have followed to calculate company value.
- Actionable advice for increasing valuation that we would provide to our own clients.
If you’re thinking about looking for an investor or buyer, start planning today.
Thought Leadership
9 Ways to Increase Valuation Before Selling Your Company
For many CEOs, receiving an offer for your business can be the stuff of dreams, especially if it is a big number. However, in my experience, one of the biggest mistakes a business owner can make is rushing into a sale because, in most cases, that puts you at a...
What Is a Fractional CFO and How to Hire One
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What is a KPI Dashboard and How Do You Build One?
To run a business effectively, you must rise above the day-to-day and take a big-picture view. You need to know what is going well, what needs your attention, and how to prioritize. But that is not easy to do when there are too many demands on your time, and you feel...